The fungal infection of the nails of the feet now widely disseminated. There are different types of fungus in the toenails, and the treatment depends directly on the type of excitation. The cause of the disease is not the lack of hygiene, but it is that many are forced throughout the day of work, to be in the shoes.
The essence of the infection and the development of the disease consists in the contact of spores of fungi of the skin of the feet. The microorganisms penetrate into the various cracks, unevenness, roughness, damage. In almost all cases, the fungus enters the nail, which immediately begin to take on a healthier appearance.
The main types of
The itching, the modification of the surface of the nail are common symptoms of the disease, which is celebrated in all its forms. There are more specific signs depending on the type of pathogen. So what types of fungi are there?
In this way it develops in contact with the stimulating of Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton.
The man is faced with the following symptoms:
- the appearance of gray and yellow bands on the plates. First, the spots appear on the same nail, little by little going to the neighbouring countries;
- the nail of a finger slowly begins to lag behind the cylinder head.
Mold able to surprise, not only products, but also the skin and nails of humans. The main symptom of this form of fungal pathology is the change of color.
With a pink color becomes unpleasant black, brown, or green. No less common of a symptom is the appearance of blackheads, spots.
Appears due to the infection by the fungus Candida. Negative feature is the high probability that the defeat of the stop. The main symptoms are:
- The surface of the nail getting thinner, why they quickly break down.
- Nail plates change color and structure.
- As the development of the disease is observed more strong exfoliation.
- The fingers constantly swell up, and acquire a red color.
This infection spreads through the humidity. It is for this reason, it is important to follow certain preventive measures when visiting swimming pools, bathrooms, of the soul.
Classification of the stage of development
To assign the most effective possible treatment, the physician must determine the extent to which the degree of development has come to the disease, that is to say, it is competent to determine the stages of foot fungus. As the development of the infection of the condition begins to spread, not only in the soil of the nails, but also in the skin, hitting all around the foot.
The forms of the disease on the basis of stages of development:
- Normotroficheskie, which notes the change of nail color, bars appear, but the form does not change. Is the initial phase of the infection.
- Hypertrophic changes yes, because of the nail. It is very easy to break down, it becomes thin, which will give the sick person tremendous discomfort.
- Atrophic. The plate in this case, it is much thinner, it darkens, modifies the shape, the nail of the finger you folded and is quickly destroyed. At this stage of the nail plate begins to move away from the cylinder head. The treatment here is quite difficult, as the disease begins to acquire the form is run.
Competent therapy
Get rid of the disease can only be with the competent help of the therapy. It depends on the type of fungus and will necessarily be based on the stage of the disease.
The doctor performs a medical professional of the survey, determines the shape and the appearance of fungus, studying the individual characteristics of the body and assigns the treatment.
Choice of a scheme
The medicine offers three main schemes of treatment – comprehensive system and therapy from the outside by the media. In the first case, provides for the receipt of medications in the form of tablets or capsules. Many of them have a lot of side effects.
When the therapy is assigned to the treatment not only of tablets but also local drugs. In external indicates the minimum number of side effects, because this schema is more preferable.
An important point in the exterior treatment – help is only the initial stage of the disease, that is to say, if you have less than a third of the surface of the nail and no more than two toes of the feet.
During the treatment in almost all stages and in all cases are assigned to different of a plan of external treatment methods. It is the creams, varnishes and solutions. Lucky exert their action exclusively on nail fungus of the feet, without influencing the floor of the fabric.
Among the external means of treatment often used different creams. Not only efficiently resolve all pathological signs, but also to soften and moisturize the nails, reducing the indicators of discomfort. Regardless of the method of treatment of the fungus and the drug, it is very important to follow the instructions of the specialist and the medication. The only way you can achieve positive results of treatment. Only as a tool of treatment will antifungal effect is optimal and antibacterial.
The number of goal and techniques that it depends on the drug, as well as the type of fungus and the ways of their development. Normally, it is two–three times a day.
If used outdoor and in the media of the fungal treatment, prior to each penalty taken with the help of special tools, corneas. This will strengthen soul the ability of the drug, it works much faster to achieve a positive effect, regardless of the species of fungus.
The total duration of therapy of the fungus in an average of 6 months, only after this, there is a healthy growth up to date of the surface of the nail. In the achievement of this outcome generally, the treatment does not end, it must continue until it reaches, resistant to the effect and will not completely prevent relapse of the disease.